In the South-West of The Hague, Yespers is opening the world's first total value factory in October 2024. A factory processing apples. Nothing but the whole apple. Every single part of the apple is valued and used. A factory with zero waste, where every residual flow is put into use.
Pulp, cores, stems and seeds
At the factory, the stems, seeds, cores and fruit are separated before entering the processing process. The stems are dried and made into an apple tea blend and the seeds finely pressed into apple oil. Yespers makes the most impact with the cores and pulp. The cores go into the pressing process along with the fruit to be processed into apple juice. The pulp remaining after pressing is dried and ground into apple fruit powder. This unique process allows every part of the apple to be valued.
Sustainable and social
The factory makes optimal use of both resources and human resources. It offers additional employment for people who have difficulty finding a job.
Scaling up impact
Of course, breakfast products brand Yespers is itself a customer of the new Yespers factory. You will find dried apple cubes in granola, apple fruit powder in pancake mix and apple juice in apple syrup, for example.
''We already had one apple line where we used the whole apple for our breakfast products. In the new factory, we can start running larger volumes. More food producers will be able to use the products processed from the whole apple.''
Sustainable chain collaboration
Yespers' goal with the Total Value factory is to add maximum value to the whole food chain.
The apple factory is already increasing value for the apple suppliers: after all, their complete product is being used. This gives the fruit growers a fair price. This money, in turn, can be used to reduce social costs or increase impact. Think, for instance, of reducing the grower's water consumption, stimulating biodiversity or the extra deployment or training of staff distanced from the labour market.
Cooperation with Fruitmasters
"Creating more social impact through more sustainable chain collaboration is the future”, says Stefan. “By collaborating with our suppliers, we can guarantee the sustainability of the food chain. That is why we have signed a cooperation agreement with Fruitmasters . In the Netherlands, 400 growers are affiliated to Fruitmasters.
From zero waste to total value
The new total value factory is also referred to as the world's first zero waste factory. Stefan Baecke notices that the term 'zero waste' appeals to many people, but he himself prefers to speak of total value:
Sustainable development goals
Yespers' total value factory fits very well with the profile of The Hague, the International City of Peace and Justice. The right to food and decent work are key sustainable development goals of the United Nations. The City of The Hague contributes to Yespers' success through its cooperation with the municipality's work and development company and with ImpactCity, offering opportunities and services to entrepreneurs with innovative solutions.
Yespers moved their factory in 2024 from the New Farm to the The Hague Southwest region. In this region many organisations and inititiatives are taking place to provide opportunities to develop education, work and economy, housing and living environment, safety, health and vitality, social cohesion and participation to the citizens with a disadvantaged background.
Read more about the The Hague Southwest region
National Program The Hague Southwest presents implementation plan
The National Program The Hague Southwest (NPZW) presented the implementation plan 2023-2026. The implementation plan contains concrete actions and measures that will be implemented in The Hague South West over the next 4 years.
The Hague Southwest Thesis Hub
The educational program of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus universities actively connects with practice and policy. Student research is linked to concrete challenges in The Hague Southwest. They collaborate with various stakeholders such as the municipality of The Hague, housing corporations, local neighborhood professionals, and residents of The Hague Southwest.
Heijmans and Staedion start first sub-project in The Hague South-West
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